When I solved system of three equations I got e.g.:

ans =

(220187671*1019780050779217710933721438668552804739490^(1/2))/130153889126365944306728960 - 2474730277849696199777672339/3425102345430682744913920
 - (220187671*1019780050779217710933721438668552804739490^(1/2))/130153889126365944306728960 - 2474730277849696199777672339/3425102345430682744913920

How can I change this result to result with accuracy of 3 places after dot? for example:

ans = 123.123
  • Why do you have an output like that? Are you using symbolic notations ('sym')? Jun 24, 2014 at 12:03

2 Answers 2


This will display 'variable' with 3 decimal digit accuracy.


Convert it to a regular double:

format short
D = double(variable)

then use any kind of printing you like, for example, 3 digits:

fprintf('%.3f\n', D)

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