Let's say I have a large dataframe large that has a MultiIndex on the rows. I pare down this dataframe by selecting only some of the rows and assign the result to small. In particular, small has fewer distinct values in the 0th level of its MultiIndex on the rows than large.

I then want a list of the distinct values in the 0th level of the MultiIndex on the rows of small so I call small.index.levels[0]. The result is strange: it returns the same thing as large.index.levels[0] despite the fact that there should be fewer values.

What's going on?


import pandas as pd
import numpy as np


idx = pd.MultiIndex.from_product([['John', 'Josh', 'Alex'], list('abcde')], 
                                 names=['Person', 'Letter'])
large = pd.DataFrame(data=np.random.randn(15, 2), 
                     columns=['one', 'two'])
small = large.loc[['Jo'==d[0:2] for d in large.index.get_level_values('Person')]]

print small.index.levels[0]
print large.index.levels[0]


Index([u'Alex', u'John', u'Josh'], dtype='object')
Index([u'Alex', u'John', u'Josh'], dtype='object')

Expected output:

Index([u'John', u'Josh'], dtype='object')
Index([u'Alex', u'John', u'Josh'], dtype='object')

2 Answers 2


More efficient to do this.

In [43]: large[large.index.get_level_values('Person').to_series().str.startswith('Jo').values]
                    one       two
Person Letter                    
John   a       1.764052  0.400157
       b       0.978738  2.240893
       c       1.867558 -0.977278
       d       0.950088 -0.151357
       e      -0.103219  0.410599
Josh   a       0.144044  1.454274
       b       0.761038  0.121675
       c       0.443863  0.333674
       d       1.494079 -0.205158
       e       0.313068 -0.854096

To answer your question. That is an implementation detail. Use .get_level_values() (rather than accessing the internal .levels

You can do this if you want.

In [13]: small.index.get_level_values('Person').unique()
Out[13]: array(['John', 'Josh'], dtype=object)

In [14]: large.index.get_level_values('Person').unique()
Out[14]: array(['John', 'Josh', 'Alex'], dtype=object)
  • I'm not quite sure you've answered my question. My goal is not to accomplish the filtering from large down to small. My small above has just the data that I want in it. What I want is to get a list of the distinct values in the 0th level of the MultiIndex of small. (For example, large might have hundreds of names in the Person level of its MultiIndex, and so I might not know what I'm going to get when I filter down to just the names that start with 'Jo'. But once the filtering is done, I want to see what I got. How do you suggest I do that?
    – 8one6
    Jun 26, 2014 at 15:55
  • I have the same problem in 2023, and agree the proposed solution doesn't "feel" like an efficient fix
    – ilCatania
    Sep 15, 2023 at 16:47

I found this question after having the same problem, posted it as a bug on the pandas issues tracker, and was told it's expected behaviour as pandas only updates codes when slicing MultiIndex, not levels. You can use MultiIndex.remove_unused_levels() (api link) to drop the levels that are no longer in the slice.

So in your example:

small = large.loc[['Jo'==d[0:2] for d in large.index.get_level_values('Person')]]
small.index = small.index.remove_unused_levels()

  • Note the answer was subsequently edited to update the print syntax to python 3.
    – ilCatania
    Sep 19, 2023 at 18:06

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