I have a table with an ID and a nvarchar field.

In each line I have something like this:

ID   ClientID    TEXT
6       1          'Log Entry A' - 26/05/2014 17:32:30; - UserName 'Log Entry B' - 27/05/2014 18:30:30; - UserName
7       2          'Log Entry 2A' - 27/05/2014 17:32:30; - UserName 'Log Entry 2B' - 27/05/2014 18:32:30; - UserName

The TEXT field here is a NVARCHAR column that holds all the Client-related user activity on a given day (e.g.: all the user activity from the user UserName on the day 27/05/2014)

The problem is: I need to figure out how many times the user "UserName" had an activity logged on on each line.

Until now, I figured that using something like this:

(...) WHERE TEXT LIKE '%27/05/2014_____________UserName%'

I can ignore the hour and grab all the columns that have the date I want. However, this don't solve my problem: this just give if the user was logged on or not, but I still need to know how many times the user was logged on that day.

What I wanted from this is something similar to this:

SELECT ID, CountSubstrings(TEXT, '%27/05/2014_____________UserName%') as Count, TEXT
FROM ClientData WHERE TEXT LIKE '%27/05/2014_____________UserName%' 

Which would give me this as a result:

ID    Count   TEXT
 6    1   'Log Entry A' - 26/05/2014 17:32:30; - UserName 'Log Entry B' - 27/05/2014 18:30:30; - UserName
 7    2   'Log Entry 2A' - 27/05/2014 17:32:30; - UserName 'Log Entry 2B' - 27/05/2014 18:32:30; - UserName

Any Ideas?


3 Answers 3


Here is one approach, assuming the username is surrounded by spaces:

select t.*,
       ((len(' ' + text + ' ') -
         len(replace(' ' + text + ' ', ' ' + @UserName + ' ', ''))
        ) / (2 + len(@UserName)) -- the "2" is for the spaces at the beginning and end
       ) as NumberOfTimes 
from table t;
  • Hmm... No, this is not really what I need. I need to know the number of times a user went on activity on a given day. If a Line holds 3 user activities, but only two on the "filter-day", then "NumberOfTimes" should return 2, not 3. This will return 3.
    – T. Sar
    Jun 30, 2014 at 20:02

SQL Fiddle Demo

DECLARE @SearchFilter nvarchar(max) = '%27/05/2014%'

  COUNT(*) [count]
FROM ClientData t1
CROSS APPLY(SELECT CAST('<a>'+REPLACE([TEXT],';','</a><a>')+'</a>' AS xml)) t2(xml)
CROSS APPLY xml.nodes('a') t3(log_entry)
WHERE log_entry.value('.','nvarchar(max)') LIKE @SearchFilter
  • Can you explain why this works? I'm not familiar with the XML functions. Jun 30, 2014 at 21:28
  • Look at the output of SELECT <a>'+REPLACE([TEXT],';','</a><a>')+'</a>' FROM ClientData
    – Anon
    Jun 30, 2014 at 21:36
  • @Anon Well. I put this on my server and tried to run. It is giving me a message saying that "log_entry can't be used directly".
    – T. Sar
    Jul 1, 2014 at 10:41
  • @ThalesPereira use explicit column names instead of SELECT *
    – Anon
    Jul 1, 2014 at 14:43

A clean way would be to code an SQL scalar-valued user defined function that returns the count of the substring you want to find in the provided string (a function that takes 2 parameters and does the count).

  • Tried that. I wasn't able to do a user-defined function that works right with Wildcards...
    – T. Sar
    Jun 30, 2014 at 20:06

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