The official "Google BigQuery Analytics" book indicates that BigQuery support left, right and full outer joins. I get "unrecognized" tokens errors if I try right or full outer joins though. Are these forthcoming features that are not yet supported?


1 Answer 1


The official query reference for BigQuery says:

BigQuery supports INNER, LEFT OUTER and CROSS JOIN operations.

But I do notice the book talking about RIGHT OUTER joins. So I'm guessing the book is talking about a forthcoming feature.

  • 4
    This was a case of the book trying to describe a moving target. Dremel, the underlying query engine that bigquery uses, supports FULL OUTER and RIGHT JOINS. I had thought that we could get these enabled in BigQuery more quickly. We have an open bug on this and will get to it as soon as we can. Jul 2, 2014 at 17:50

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