It's the first time I'm trying to make a Leaflet plugin (also first time with Github).

With the plugin you can select a box on a map. When the box is drawn, I want to fire an event.

I can launch an event like:


and then I can see it in my script with

map.on("selected", function() { .... });

But what about firing a custom event like:


I tried to search in the Documentation, but didn't find a way...

A jsFiddle: Fiddle The github page: Github

1 Answer 1


There's an unrelated error that's breaking this jsfiddle:

enter image description here

  • OK, strange. Maybe it was the old fiddle. I only get the error: "Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read property 'fire' of undefined" when I'm resize the square. It's because I cant fire events like map.fire("test"); or map.fire("areaSelected"); Thank you for your help. jsfiddle.net/zoutepopcorn/UQ9G2/5 doesnt fire the above error Jul 3, 2014 at 10:04
  • 1
    That isn't a problem with 'fire': you're not correctly managing the map variable, so it's undefined when you're trying to call it. Please read other plugins that correctly manage the map reference rather than juggling it as a global.
    – tmcw
    Jul 3, 2014 at 14:42

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