I am using Robert Giesecke Unmanaged Exports 1.2.6 in VS2010 and my goal is to pass an array of structs from c# (.NET 3.5) to delphi (D7). I have to admit, that I'm not that familiar with delphi.

I've already read this post, but the suggested answer didn't work for me: When calling func in delphi the CPU-debugging-window opens and if I continue the app exits without exception and without the desired result.

Here is the code I tried:

C# platform x86

using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;
using RGiesecke.DllExport;

namespace ArrayTest
    public class Class1
        public struct Sample
            public string Name;

        public static int func(
            [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)]
            Sample[] samples,
            ref int len
            // len holds the length of the array on input
            // len is assigned the number of items that have been assigned values 
            // use the return value to indicate success or failure
            for (int i = 0; i < len; i++)
                samples[i].Name = "foo: " + i.ToString();
            return 0;


program DelphiApp;



  TSample = record
    Name: WideString;
  PSample = ^TSample;

function func(samples: PSample; var len: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
  external 'ArrayTest.dll';

procedure Test2;
  samples: array of TSample;
  i, len: Integer;
  len := 10;
  SetLength(samples, len);
  if func(PSample(samples), len)=0 then
    for i := 0 to len-1 do


As mentioned earlier, the debugger opens the CPU-Window and if I continue the app exits without exception or error message. If I run it without dbugger, Windows tells me the app isn't working any more and the app closes.

What am I missing?


Modified code:

public static int func(
    [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)]
    Sample[] samples,
    ref int len
    Console.WriteLine("return 0");
    return 0;

procedure Test2;
  samples: array of TSample;
  i, len: Integer;
  len := 10;
  SetLength(samples, len);
  if func(PSample(samples), len)=0 then
    for i := 0 to len-1 do
      Writeln('D7: ', i);

Even if I don't access the array on either side, the behaviour still is the same.

Console-output: return 0

  • Run with the debugger. Sounds like load time link failure. If the link succeeds you'd be able to step into the program. The code does work. Jul 8, 2014 at 8:13
  • @DavidHeffernan I am able to step into the program and I am running the debugger. The debugger opens the CPU window on calling func(). The for-loop is not executed any more. Console-output inside the C#-function is done, thus the dll is linked and executed.
    – AlexS
    Jul 8, 2014 at 8:20
  • @DavidHeffernan What .NET, delphi and UnmanagedExport version are you using?
    – AlexS
    Jul 8, 2014 at 8:24
  • I'm not using anything now. That Q is from the past. I won't be able to look at this for a little while. Jul 8, 2014 at 8:26
  • @DavidHeffernan FYI: I found the issue. It's about .NET-versions. See my answer below. Anyway thank's for the help!
    – AlexS
    Jul 8, 2014 at 9:51

1 Answer 1


Seems like I found the issue:

The code runs fine if .NET 4.0 or higher is used. If you use .NET 3.5 or lower the len-parameter has to be passed by value.

See MSDN-documentation SizeParamIndex v3.5:

The parameter containing the size must be an integer that is passed by value.

See MSDN-documentation SizeParamIndex v4.0:

When arrays are passed as C-style arrays, the marshaler cannot determine the size of the array. Therefore, to pass an managed array to an unmanaged function or method, you must provide two arguments:

  • The array, defined by reference or value.

  • The array size, defined by reference or value.

Code working with .NET 3.5:


public static int func(
    [Out, MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.LPArray, SizeParamIndex = 1)]
    Sample[] samples,
    int len,
    ref int outLen
    // len holds the length of the array on input
    // outLen is assigned the number of items that have been assigned values 
    // use the return value to indicates success and the required array size (>=0) or failure (<0)
    int requiredSize = 20;
    if (requiredSize < len)
        len = requiredSize;
    for (outLen = 0; outLen < len; outLen++)
        samples[outLen].Name = "foo: " + outLen.ToString();
    return requiredSize;


function func(samples: PSample; len: Integer; var outLen: Integer): Integer; stdcall;
  external 'ArrayTest.dll';

procedure Test2;
  samples: array of TSample;
  i, len: Integer;
  len := 0;
  // query the required array size
  i := func(PSample(samples), len, len);
  if i>0 then
    len := i;
    SetLength(samples, len);
    if func(PSample(samples), len, len)>=0 then
      for i := 0 to len-1 do


The code posted in my question and posted by David Heffernan here only works with .NET >= 4.0! If you have to use .NET <= 3.5 you must pass the arraysize by value and not by reference!


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