I want to know if there's a way to perform a page.should assertion with a page object element directly, instead of giving the xpath or CSS selector string as a parameter.


Page class:

class FooClass < SitePrism::Page
  element :action_select, '.autocomplete.medium'

Step definition:

page.should have_css('.autocomplete.medium')

#Sort of thing desired:

page.should have_css(action_select.get_css)

That .get_css does not exist but it's used to illustrate what's desired.

1 Answer 1


The element method creates a has_<element name>? method that can check the existence of the element.

For example, for your page:

#=> returns true if it exists, false if it doesn't

This allows your assertion to be:

page.should have_action_select

For more details, you can see the site prism page.

  • Great answer thanks Justin Ko and great info there Nat Ritmeyer! Sep 19, 2014 at 15:32

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