The What.

I'm trying to implement token based Basic authentication on my Rails API. It works fine for existing routes, but here's the catch:

When an unauthenticated user visits a route that does NOT exist, it displays the 404 - Not found page, and not the 401 - Unauthorized. How do I get Rails to check authentication before validating the routes?

Here's my application_controller.rb:

class Api::V1::ApiController < ApplicationController
  # Main controller inherited by all API controllers

  # For APIs, you may want to use :null_session instead.
  protect_from_forgery with: :null_session

  # Enforce site-wide authentication
  before_action :authenticate

  def authenticate
    authenticate_token || render_unauthorized

  def authenticate_token
    # Can we find a user with the authentication token used?
    authenticate_with_http_basic do |u, p|
      # Only search active, private keys
      @api_key = ApiKey.active.find_by(api_key: u, is_secret: true)
      @user = @api_key.user if @api_key

      return @api_key

  def render_unauthorized
    # Displays the Unauthorized message
    render json: JSON.pretty_generate({ 
      error: { 
        type: "unauthorized",
        message: "This page cannot be accessed without a valid API key."
      }), status: 401

The Why

Think of it this way: someone stops you at the office to ask for directions. Do you ask them to present some ID first or do you just show them the way?

If it were a public office, I'd just show them the way .. but if we were in the restricted Special Projects division at the CIA, I don't care where you're going (even especially if you tell me you're looking for Office 404, which I know doesn't exist): I want to see some ID first.

Edit: Using Basic Auth

I originally mentioned Token based authentication, but it's actually Basic Auth (with "username" = "token").

  • i don't think that this is possible on the controller level. what's wrong with a 404?
    – phoet
    Jul 12, 2014 at 2:10
  • @phoet added it to the question. Jul 12, 2014 at 7:04
  • 2
    you might especially want to see ID if someone turns up looking for an office that doesn't exist. That's a sure sign that they probably shouldn't be there. Jul 12, 2014 at 7:07

4 Answers 4


Using the built-in rails authentication you can't achieve what you want for the very reason @rich-peck explained. Rails first evaluate your routes, then passes the request for the controller.

You have two options. First, do exactly what the Stripe guys are doing. Delegate the authentication to the web server in front of your app server (nginx in their case).

$ curl -I https://api.stripe.com/this/route/doesnt/exist
HTTP/1.1 401 Unauthorized
Server: nginx
Date: Fri, 08 Aug 2014 21:21:49 GMT
Content-Type: application/json;charset=utf-8
Www-Authenticate: Basic realm="Stripe"
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store
Stripe-Version: 2014-08-04
Strict-Transport-Security: max-age=31556926; includeSubDomains

Or, if you want/need to keep it in ruby-land, you can use a rack middleware which will authenticate before rails loads your routes. You can try https://github.com/iain/rack-token_auth

$ bin/rake middleware
...snip a bunch of middleware...
use Rack::TokenAuth
run Dummy::App::Application.routes

Update: Using HTTP Basic Authentication

In that case, you don't need another library at all, because rack has built-in support for http basic auth through the Rack::Auth::Basic middleware, e.g.

config.middleware.use Rack::Auth::Basic do |username, password|
  username == "bob" && password == "secret"

Update: Can I apply the authentication to the API namespace?

It depends. Because the rack middleware runs before rails loads your routes, controllers, etc. it has no knowledge of your namespaces. Nonetheless, if your namespaced controllers are also namespaced at the URL level, e.g. all under /api, you can check request.path to whether apply the authentication.

You can create a new rack middlware to decorate Rack::Auth::Basic with this behaviour, e.g.

class MyAPIAuth < Rack::Auth::Basic
  def call(env)
    request = Rack::Request.new(env)

    if request.path =~ /\A\/api\/?/

# change your configuration to use your middleware
config.middleware.use MyAPIAuth do |username, password|
  username == "bob" && password == "secret"
  • Thanks @wicz, I like the idea of using middleware for the API. I'll give it a quick shot to see how it goes. Aug 9, 2014 at 5:24
  • Sorry, it's actually Basic Auth and not Token based authentication (see edit). Do you have any suggestions for a rack-basic auth library? Aug 9, 2014 at 7:08
  • 1
    Hello @Samantha, I've updated the answer with a solution using HTTP Basic Authentication. HTH.
    – wicz
    Aug 9, 2014 at 8:35
  • thanks so much! That looks like exactly what I needed - Is it at all possible to apply this configuration just to the API namespace? Aug 9, 2014 at 13:52
  • Hi @Samantha, updated my answer again regarding your previous comment. Cheers.
    – wicz
    Aug 9, 2014 at 15:29

All you need to do is to append a catch-all route at the end of your routes.rb:

YourApp::Application.routes.draw do
  # Standard routes
  # ...

  # Catch-all
  get '*other', to: 'dummy#show'

Then have a dummy controller just render 404 - Not Found in show action. Should anyone visit a non-existing route it will be handled by dummy, which will perform authentication first in a before filter and if it fails 401 - Unauthorized is rendered.


I think you're getting past the idea of MVC

enter image description here

When you send a request to Rails, the routing mechanism is meant to take the requested URL & send you to a particular area (controller). The authentication happens inside that controller - allowing you handle routed traffic in a modular way

I think the problem you have is authenticating before you send the user to the respective controller goes against MVC principles - whereby your authentication (pinging the database) will have to happen before you get to the controller / model


Have you checked out this Railscast?

enter image description here

It shows how to use token authentication in your controller - allowing you to secure your API

  • Thanks Rich. I actually used that article as a reference when building my controller. So your answer is: it's bad and shouldn't be done? What prompted the question is that I noticed Stripe displays the authentication dialog on their API, no matter where you land. Jul 12, 2014 at 10:28

I'm assuming your on Rails 3.X.X just as I was and was receiving the same error (they used Rails 4 for the Code School lesson). Here's what you have to change:

before_action :authenticate must be changed to before_filter :authenticate

User.find_by(auth_token: token) must be changed to User.find_by_auth_token(token)

  • Nope, the problem has nothing to do with methods naming, also, the question is tagged with #ruby-on-rails-4.
    – wicz
    Aug 8, 2014 at 23:51
  • Rails 4.1.4 - 2.1.2p95; I don't think it's got to do with naming, like @wicz said, and before_action = before_filter Aug 9, 2014 at 5:22

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