My code: <form method='post' target='_blank'... I have multiple of these forms on my page with the same action attribute.

Problem: Only one popup ever opens. If a second form is submitted, it replaces the first form's popup.

How do I get a new popup for each form? (Preferably without changing the action attribute.)

EDIT: I tried adding a random number (Math.floor(Math.random()*1000)) as a null parameter in the action url. This still opens in the same popup.

NOTE: There is no JS being used. However, I'd accept a JS answer.

1 Answer 1


Complete working code :-


function popup(form) {
    var popup_id = 'popup_'+form.id
    window.open(form.action, popup_id, 'width=400,height=400,resizeable,scrollbars');
    form.target = popup_id;

<form id="form1" action="page.php" onsubmit="popup(this); return false;">

<input type="submit" value="save" />

<form id="form2" action="page.php" onsubmit="popup(this);return false;">

<input type="submit" value="save" />
  • Identical behavior. :(
    – GiantDuck
    Jul 15, 2014 at 23:36
  • Then something else is causing "unexpected" behavior. How are your generating your popup ?
    – Samosa
    Jul 15, 2014 at 23:40
  • It's just when the user submits the form.
    – GiantDuck
    Jul 15, 2014 at 23:42
  • I'm not using any JS here.
    – GiantDuck
    Jul 16, 2014 at 16:27

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