I am reading an XML using XMLTextReader in C#.net. The structure of XML is like below:

<root attr1="" attr2="">
    <element1>some value</element1>
    <element2>some value</element2>

After reding attributes, I shift control to element1. Code is as below:

    string val= reader.ReadInnerXML();

Now after reading this, reader shows whites space. Again I want to move to element1 and from there, using ReadToDecendent I want to move to element2. I cannot use MoveToContent() as I have to follow the same flow.

So how can I move to element1 after reader inner text?

1 Answer 1


Have you considered using XPathDocument and the related classes? It would look like such:

var _xml = "<xml><elements><element1>some text</element1><element2>some more text</element2></elements></xml>";
var xPathDoc = new XPathDocument(XmlReader.Create(new StringReader(_xml)));
var nav = xPathDoc.CreateNavigator();
var node = nav.SelectSingleNode("//element1");  // with xpath exp you can pick out specific tags
var innerText = node.Value;

Now if you just had element as the name of the tags instead of element1, element2,... you can iterate through all element tags:

var nodes = nav.Select("//element");  // selects all element tags
    //do something

This is probably a simpler way to query a xml doc. Plus, if you wanted tags that had a specific attribute, the xpath expression would be //element[attr1=\"atrribute_value\"]

Hope this helps

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