Consider below String,

var originalStr = "This is first string JUNKCHARS";

I need a regex to find a pattern " JUNKCHAR", i.e. characters JUNKCHAR with (any number of) whitespace before it and end of string after it.


// case 1
originalStr = "This is first string JUNKCHARS";

replacedStr = originalStr.replace(<pattern>, "");

console.log(replacedStr); // should output - This is first string

// case 2
originalStr = "This is first string            JUNKCHARS";

replacedStr = originalStr.replace(<pattern>, "");

console.log(replacedStr); // should output - This is first string

// case 3
originalStr = "This is first string JUNKCHARS    ";

replacedStr = originalStr.replace(<pattern>, "");

console.log(replacedStr); // should output - This is first string JUNKCHARS    

// case 4
originalStr = "This is first string JUNKCHARS test";

replacedStr = originalStr.replace(<pattern>, "");

console.log(replacedStr); // should output - This is first string JUNKCHARS test    

// case 5
originalStr = "This is first stringJUNKCHAR";

replacedStr = originalStr.replace(<pattern>, "");

console.log(replacedStr); // should output - This is first stringJUNKCHAR

// case 6
originalStr = "This is first string JUNKCHARtest";

replacedStr = originalStr.replace(<pattern>, "");

console.log(replacedStr); // should output - This is first string JUNKCHARtest

I have tried several regex but none seems to meet my requirement. Could anyone please help me in finding the right regex. Your help will be appreciated.

  • So in case 3 for instance, we do NOT remove JUNKCHAR? Not understanding the rule.
    – zx81
    Jul 17, 2014 at 6:51
  • yes, we do not remove JUNKCHAR because there is a space after it.
    – Muthu
    Jul 17, 2014 at 7:08

3 Answers 3


Let's go through that pattern by part

  1. You want to match a number of whitespaces, but at least one, so that gives us \s+
  2. You want to match the string JUNKCHARS
  3. You want the end of the string, which is $ in regex syntax

Together you'll get var pattern = /\s+JUNKCHARS$/

You can fiddle around with it http://regex101.com/r/sU4eI3/1


You may try something like this:

var text = 'This is first string JUNKCHARS    ';
text = text.replace(/\s{2,}JUNKCHARS/g,'').trim();

Here is a demo: http://jqversion.com/#!/NYBiNrT


You can try something like this:


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