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Why does gdb evaluate sqrt(3) to 0?

C newbie here. There must be an obvious explanation why gdb gives strange outputs when trying to use math.h functions in-line. For example, the fabs function below is supposed to take the absolute value, and return a double.

(gdb) p cos(2*3.141/4)
$13 = 1073291460
(gdb) p fabs(-3)    
$14 = 0
(gdb) p fabs(3)
$15 = 0
(gdb) p fabs(3.333)
$16 = 1
(gdb) p (double) fabs(-3.234)
$17 = 1
(gdb) p (double) fabs((double)-3.234)
$18 = 1
(gdb) p ((double(*)(double))fabs)(-3)
$19 = 682945

The code I'm using has included math.h, and the actual code appears to execute correctly, although the same code placed in-line in gdb produces strange results. I could ignore it, but it seems a good learning opportunity.

  • The moderator can feel free to close (e.g. delete) this if needed, since it's a dupe.
    – ggkmath
    Dec 20, 2011 at 4:06

1 Answer 1


(Ref: http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/gdb/2009-12/msg00004.html)

gdb is missing the debug information of the cos function, and therefore assume it is an int cos(...) function, so the values are not returned correctly (esp. on x86 as the registers to store floating point return and integer return are different).

This could be worked around by specifying the type:

(gdb) p ((double(*)(double))cos) (1.0)
$18 = 0.54030230586813977
  • Is there no way to provide gdb with the info without the hard to read and hard to type cast? I thought that compiling with '-g' was enough to avoid this kind of issues.
    – Champo
    Dec 20, 2011 at 3:09
  • If it matters, I compiled with -g and did not include any optimization flags.
    – ggkmath
    Dec 20, 2011 at 3:19
  • Thanks KennyTM. I thought something like that might be happening, but my experimentation using (double) with fabs() didn't seem to help (see my latest edit to question above).
    – ggkmath
    Dec 20, 2011 at 3:20
  • @Juan: It seems you need a debug version of libm, and then use __cos instead of cos (Ref: bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=524424), but I can't get it to work.
    – kennytm
    Dec 20, 2011 at 3:22
  • @ggkmath: Casting the arguments to double doesn't change the signature of the function (this is C, not C++). Casting the function itself p ((double(*)(double))fabs)(-3.234) is the only way.
    – kennytm
    Dec 20, 2011 at 3:25

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