How do we POST an array of images using cURL?

I am using Grape API.

    requires :foo, type: Array do
      optional :bar, type: String
      optional :baz, type: Rack::Multipart::UploadedFile

I want to test this using cURL. Request:

    curl -X POST -F "foo[][bar]=bar&foo[][baz][email protected]"\

The above request results in:

    [{"bar":"bar\u0026foo[][baz][email protected]"}]

The resulting format should be:

      {bar: "bar1", baz: image_to_be_uploaded1},
      {bar: "bar2", baz: image_to_be_uploaded2}

Where as this POSTs image correctly. How do I send both the params in a single request?

      curl -X POST -F "foo[][baz][email protected]"\

1 Answer 1


We have to specify the -F option (HTTP multipart POST data) twice

     curl -X POST -F "foo[][bar]=bar" -F "foo[][baz][email protected]"\

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