I have this code:

in .h file:

friend Vector2D operator*(float scalar, const Vector2D& v2);

in .cpp file

Vector2D Vector2D::operator*(float scalar, const Vector2D v2)
    return Vector2D(v2.m_x * scalar, v2.m_y * scalar);

when I try to compile it I get this error:

'Vector2D Vector2D::operator*(float, Vector2D)' must take either zero or one argument

what did I miss?!! thanks

Ok here is the full code: Vector2D.h


#include <math.h>
#include <iostream>
class Vector2D
    Vector2D(float x = 0, float y = 0): m_x(x), m_y(y) {}
    float getX()
        return m_x;
    float getY()
        return m_y;
    void setX(float x)
        m_x = x;
    void setY(float y)
        m_y = y;
    float length() { return sqrt(m_x * m_x + m_y * m_y); }

    Vector2D operator+(const Vector2D& v2) const;
    Vector2D& operator+=(Vector2D const& a);

    Vector2D operator*(float scalar);//float*Vector2D
    friend Vector2D operator*(float scalar, const Vector2D& v2);
    Vector2D& operator*=(float scalar);

    Vector2D operator-(const Vector2D& v2) const;
    Vector2D& operator-=(Vector2D const& a);

    Vector2D operator/(float scalar);
    Vector2D& operator/=(float scalar);

    void display()
        std::cout << m_x << "," << m_y << std::endl;
    float m_x;
    float m_y;



#include "Vector2D.h"

//+ operator
Vector2D Vector2D::operator+(const Vector2D& v2) const
     return Vector2D(m_x + v2.m_x, m_y + v2.m_y);

Vector2D& Vector2D::operator+=(Vector2D const& a)
     m_x += a.m_x;
     m_y += a.m_y;
     return *this;

//- operator
Vector2D Vector2D::operator-(const Vector2D& v2) const
    return Vector2D(m_x - v2.m_x, m_y - v2.m_y);

Vector2D& Vector2D::operator-=(Vector2D const& a)
    m_x -= a.m_x;
    m_y -= a.m_y;
    return *this;

 //* operator
 Vector2D Vector2D::operator*(float scalar)
    return Vector2D(m_x * scalar, m_y * scalar);

 Vector2D Vector2D::operator*(float scalar, const Vector2D& v2)
    return Vector2D(v2.m_x * scalar, v2.m_y * scalar);

 Vector2D& Vector2D::operator*=(float scalar)
     m_x *= scalar;
     m_y *= scalar;
     return *this;

 // / operator
 Vector2D Vector2D::operator/(float scalar)
    return Vector2D(m_x / scalar, m_y / scalar);
Vector2D& Vector2D::operator/=(float scalar)
   m_x /= scalar;
   m_y /= scalar;
   return *this;
  • Also, operator* needs to be a free function, not a member function like you're defining it. Jul 30, 2014 at 12:33
  • your implementation is not matching the declaration - you miss the &. can you post more code so we can help you?
    – NirMH
    Jul 30, 2014 at 12:33

1 Answer 1


In the .h file you are declaring the function as friend, however you define it as a member function in the .cpp. The .cpp declaration must look like

Vector2D operator*(float scalar, const Vector2D& v2) // you were also missing &

Also consider making operator* a template function (for type conversions),

template <typename T> 
friend Vector2D operator*(T scalar, const Vector2D& v2);

so you can silently accept other types of coefficients besides float (i.e. int or double etc)

  • There's no point making it a template; any numeric type can be implicitly converted to float. Jul 30, 2014 at 12:44
  • @MikeSeymour, was also thinking about using std::complex but otherwise yes you're right, I was overthinking it a bit :)
    – vsoftco
    Jul 30, 2014 at 12:45

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