I have one ListView and one observableCollection. I put observableCollection into the listView. I want to know how can i select multiple items in the listview with an other observable collection ?

I try to do : this.listView1.SelectedItems.Add(object);

But it didn't work.

Someone know how can I do it ?

I'm programming an application to windows 8.1 so i use winRT

  • I think you will find you answer in this post: stackoverflow.com/questions/83945/listview-multiple-selection Basically you need to either initialise your this.listView1.MultiSelect = true; and then create the onSelected function that keeps a count of the indexes that are selected. Jul 31, 2014 at 7:47
  • I don't know how can i do that.I just want selected multiple items into listview with programmation.
    – Moussawi
    Jul 31, 2014 at 8:01

2 Answers 2


Try as below

for (int i = 0; i < listObject.Length; i++)
   listView1.Items.FindByValue(listObject[i].id).Selected = true;
  • the method FindByValue() does not exist i'm programming to Windows 8.
    – Moussawi
    Jul 31, 2014 at 8:09

I've found the solution to my problem.

I think that it's not perfect but it's worked.

ObservableCollection<Object> obsObject = CR.GetListObject(Id);
foreach(var Item in LV_LIST_OBJECT.Items)
   bool bFound = false;
   if(Item.GetType() == typeof(Object))
       foreach(Object obj in obsObject)
           if (((Object)Item).ID_Object == obj.ID_Object)
               bFound = true;

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