I have ISO dates stored in MongoDB.

> db.myDB.find()
{ "_id" : ObjectId("..."), "time" : ISODate("2014-08-05T11:18:55Z) }

When I echo it in PHP, it displays it differently from the database.

echo $document["time"] // Prints 0.00000000 1407236935

What's up with the zeros? What format is it printing it in? Is there a format I can use that will print more nicely, so a human could determine it with precision to the minute?


1 Answer 1


Date objects

The MongoDB PHP driver uses the MongoDate class to represent date objects.

If you inspect the contents of your variable with:


... you'll see the internal class properties:

object(MongoDate)#7 (2) {

.. which, as you discovered, stringify to a pair of integers similar to microtime() if you try to echo() a MongoDate object:

0.31300000 1407299400

Formatting a MongoDate

To format as "human readable" you can pass the MongoDate value (in seconds) to the standard PHP date() function:

 echo date('F j, Y g:i a', $document["time"]->sec), "\n";

.. which should output similar to:

 August 6, 2014 2:30 pm

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