We have some code that emits messages to log4net and would like to see those same messages emitted when we run tests on that code under xUnit.

Is there a way to tell xUnit to start up log4net? I have modified the .config file for xunit.console It runs fine, but there is no indication of any logging activity.

1 Answer 1


Generally when unit testing log4net log calls, a MemoryAppender is used like this:

private MemoryAppender testAppender;

public void SetUp()
    testAppender = new MemoryAppender();

    // etc    

public void TestLogging()
   // etc

   var events = testAppender().GetEvents();
   Assert.AreEqual(1, events.Count()); 
  • 3
    This code would allow to test if log entries are produced, however if I understand OP correctly he just wants to see the output in console window. Oct 6, 2014 at 5:37

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