
How can I do a global search and replace on a string of numbers starting from the end of the string and reading backwards?

Starting at the front of the string I can do this:

someword: 12345
s/someword: [0-9][0-9]/someword: ==/g;
someword: ==345

But that will only work if the string is five numbers long. Regardless of the length of the number string, I want to keep the last three numbers.

Thank you

  • Have you tried anything?
    – Samsquanch
    Aug 11, 2014 at 22:44
  • I should have been a little less generic. The someword:<space> <number string> comes up hundreds of times in the file and the <number string> is always different. That's why I'm using the global substitution the way I have it above. Aug 12, 2014 at 23:53

2 Answers 2


I would use an executable substitution.

This code finds multiple digits that are followed by three more digits, and replaces them with the same number of equals = signs

my $s = 'someword: 12345678';

$s =~ s/ (\d+) (?=\d{3}) / '=' x length $1 /xe;

print $s;


someword: =====678
  • Clever regex. Wonder if there is any downside for not anchoring $ to match the last 3. Aug 12, 2014 at 0:55

Just use a positive lookahead assertion:

my $string = 'someword: 12345';

$string =~ s/\d(?=\d{3})/=/g;

print "$string\n";


someword: ==345
  • I don't like the thought of that replacing one digit at a time, but I'm sure it's not a problem
    – Borodin
    Aug 11, 2014 at 23:28

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