I have an array of resources called companies, and I run some query calls on another resource based on that, and then fire a callback. I tried the following, but the callback gets called straight away:

$q.all(companies.map(function(company) {
  return Person.query({
    companyId: company.id
})).then(function(people) {
  // do stuff


  • Does Person.query() really return a promise? What is the value of people when the callback fires too early?
    – Bergi
    Aug 13, 2014 at 23:12
  • If you'd show us the code for Person.query, we could help you debugging.
    – Bergi
    Aug 13, 2014 at 23:13
  • @Bergi its the standard $.resource query method. I have added an example. I also tried with $q.when and it has the same issue.
    – Petah
    Aug 13, 2014 at 23:28

1 Answer 1


You need to provide a promise array to $q.all to have it wait for the underlying promise(s) to be fulfilled, use the $promise property returned by the resource.

$q.all(companies.map(function(company) {
  return Person.query({
    companyId: company.id
  }).$promise; //<-- Here
})).then(function(people) {


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