I am trying to pull data on certain requirements from some keys/IDS. ID's are either populated or they are null or -1. The data looks something like this

ID1    ID2     ID3 
3143   NULL    93484
-1     -1      NULL
1134   8493    4345    
-1     -1      -1

I have rules in place where I need to pull IDs if not null or equal to negative 1. Here is part of my query, which is not working.

    where (ID1 is not null or ID1 <> '-1' ) and  (ID2 is not null or ID2 <> '-1' )
     and  (ID3 is not null or ID3 <> '-1' )

The counts don't add up and it is not catching all of the IDS. Any thoughts on why?

Oh, the columns are all VARCHAR(250).

  • is the NULL a string value of 'NULL' by chance? if not the full query you are using may be helpful
    – xeo
    Aug 14, 2014 at 18:00
  • By using the AND clause, you're making it evaluate all the keys - thus, only the third row in your example would be returned. Is that your intent, or are you just trying to print out any IDs that aren't NULL or -1, regardless of what the others on the row are?
    – AHiggins
    Aug 14, 2014 at 18:01
  • Please post the full query and a better explanation of what you are trying to do here - several people have pointed out a possible flaw in your understanding of Boolean (AND vs. OR) logic, but unless we know what you're trying to do we won't be able to get more specific.
    – AHiggins
    Aug 14, 2014 at 18:10

1 Answer 1


Using and will force the query to return data that matches all the three "set" of conditions

where (ID1 is not null or ID1 <> '-1' ) or (ID2 is not null or ID2 <> '-1' )
or  (ID3 is not null or ID3 <> '-1' )

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