I am working on quiz app. I have add the time out to every question even though user attempts the question or not.

my code in view:

<p ng-repeat="opt in question.answer">      
    <label ng-show="opt._correct" for="">
    <input type="radio" name="questionAnswer" id="opt.id" value="" 
        ng-click="checkAnswer(1)" />
    <label ng-hide="opt._correct" for="">
    <input type="radio" name="questionAnswer" id="opt.id" value="" 
        ng-click="checkAnswer(0)" />

my code in controller:

$scope.randomQuestions = function(questionslist){

    $scope.randomQuestion = questionslist
            [Math.floor(Math.random() * questionslist.
            var item = $scope.quiz.splice($scope.randomQuestion,1)[0];
        $scope.questions = new Array();
                    $scope.counter = $scope.counter + 1;
        return $scope.questions;


$scope.checkAnswer = function(option){
        console.log('check answer');

        if(option == 1){
            $scope.score = $scope.score + parseInt($scope.level._points_per_question);
        } else{

        if ($scope.counter < parseInt($scope.level._total_questions + 1)){
        } else {
            console.log('5 questions');


$scope.nextLevel = function(){
    $scope.total_score = $scope.total_score + $scope.score;
    $scope.score = 0;
    $scope.counter = 0;
    if($scope.level_count == 1){
        $scope.level_count = $scope.level_count + 1;
        $scope.quiz = $scope.quiz2.question;
        $scope.level = $scope.quiz2;
    } else if($scope.level_count == 2){
        $scope.quiz = $scope.quiz3.question;
        $scope.level = $scope.quiz3;
        $scope.level_count = $scope.level_count + 1;
    } else {
        $scope.level_count = $scope.level_count + 1;


  $scope.result_text = function(){

    $scope.result = parseInt(($scope.total_score * 100) / 400);
    for(var k=0; k < $scope.score_rules.length; k++){
        if($scope.result >= $scope.score_rules[k]._min_percent){
            $scope.score_status = $scope.score_rules[k].__text;


Can any one suggest how to call time out from view?

3 Answers 3


Please find below the code

 function controller($scope) 
   $scope.showflag = true;
   setTimeout(function () 
       $scope.showflag = false;
   }, 1000);
  • you should use $timeout rather than setTimeout so you can unit test your controller
    – eddiec
    Apr 16, 2015 at 12:35

You could use CSS transitions or animation to do the actual transition and use ngAnimate to trigger the transitions.

There are a few examples for ngAnimate on this page.

  • thanks but i have to add timeout. i am showing single question at a time when ever it crosses the time limit i have to show new question @TheHippo Aug 19, 2014 at 12:06

You can try this approach:

  • Modify your checkAnswer() code and call another function which sets the timeout/sleep. When the call returns from the timeout function, set a variable (eg. isVisible) to false and use this variable in ng-show. Something like this:

  • So, new ng-show would look like ng-show=" isVisible && opt._correct"

  • I have to call checkAnswer() on timeout Aug 19, 2014 at 14:22

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