I'm trying to fadeOut a variable, containing the classes I supplied:

var fadeOutDivs = "'.slider-bg , .inner-content , .about-app , .contact-us'"
$('.menu-li.a').click(function() {
    $(fadeOutDivs).fadeOut( 300 ).promise().done(function() {;
        $('.slider-bg.a , .about-app.a , .hand-with-mobile').fadeIn( 300 );

Not working for me...

  • 3
    you don't need the inner quotes in fadeOutDivs Aug 20, 2014 at 16:21
  • oh well, for some reason thought i already gave it a try, but i guess i didn't... thanks a lot! :)
    – yuvalsab
    Aug 20, 2014 at 16:31

1 Answer 1


You seemed to be 'stringing' a string ;) You don't need the inner quotes when declaring your classes in the fadeOutDivs variable declaration.

You also have a random semi-colon after fadeOut callback function opening curly brace? but I am unsure if that is a typo when pasting into Stack Overflow.

Either way try this...

var fadeOutDivs = ".slider-bg , .inner-content , .about-app , .contact-us";
$('.menu-li.a').click(function() {
    $(fadeOutDivs).fadeOut( 300 ).promise().done(function() {
        $('.slider-bg.a , .about-app.a , .hand-with-mobile').fadeIn( 300 );

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