Is Their any Option to find the Network Carrier Provider information in an Application in IOS ? If Yes then provide me code as how we can know about ISP information in an ios Application.

1 Answer 1


To find carrier details for a iOS device you have to use the CoreTelephony framework, by first adding this to your project.

Then the main header file:

#import </CTTelephonyNetworkInfo.h>  

create a instance and output the details:

CTTelephonyNetworkInfo *networkInfo = [[CTTelephonyNetworkInfo alloc] init];

NSLog(@"%@", networkInfo.subscriberCellularProvider);

Outputs the following: - Carrier name:
- Mobile Country Code:
- Mobile Network Code:
- ISO Country Code: - Allows VOIP?

  • Thanks , Ahmed It is working And Displaying Career information But Is their any way to detect wifi network as well by which we are connected and using internet on our device . Aug 22, 2014 at 9:41
  • check this answer out for ssid Aug 22, 2014 at 10:16

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