I am trying to use maven-resources-plugin to copy properties from maven profiles onto the application properties file but with no luck, and i cant find what i am missing for it to work

I have in my pom.xml:




my properties file:

Amazon.S3.accessKeyId=${profile.Amazon.S3.accessKeyId} Amazon.S3.secretAccessKey=${profile.Amazon.S3.secretAccessKey}

when running the application (does not matter if i specify a profile or not) i always get an error from spring on this line:

private @Value("${Amazon.S3.accessKeyId}") String S3_ACCESS_KEY;

 Could not resolve placeholder 'profile.Amazon.S3.accessKeyId' in string value "${profile.Amazon.S3.accessKeyId}"
  • First, is it a Maven problem, or a Spring configuration problem? Check what the properties file contains in target/classes. If the property has been replaced, it's not a Maven problem, but a SPring config problem.
    – JB Nizet
    Aug 24, 2014 at 13:14
  • its not been replaced its left with the "${profile.Amazon.S3.accessKeyId} "
    – Gleeb
    Aug 24, 2014 at 13:18


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