I have been looking around the web but could not find a solution to this problem. Right now the search function in Wordpress - as I understand it - goes through the posts and looks for matching words. That is fine, however I am working on a site right now where I wont have many posts / any posts. I will however have a lot of users - let's call them authors even though they won't be writing anything. I want the normal search to go through the author pages and display results based on what is written there.

Is this possible? I do understand a bit of code but mostly copy of tutorials.

Thank you so much in advance!

1 Answer 1


since you didn't provide any code attempts i will stick with a plugin solution..

try this


  • Hey, the plugin doesn't help me. As I said i need to modify the actual wp search to display links to / parts of the author pages instead / in addition to the normal posts Aug 25, 2014 at 15:08

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