
I've got a random bunch of words and I need to make it into a list, but there is a problem, I must take the words as they are and convert them into a list in the program itself. for example I got this raw input:


Now how do i take this 5 words and make my program to make each word into a proper string like so: "hello","mike","cat","dog","burger"

2 Answers 2


You can use the split method

>>> s = "hello,mike,cat,dog,burger"
>>> l = s.split(',')
>>> l
['hello', 'mike', 'cat', 'dog', 'burger']
  • 1
    Maybe worth mentioning l = [item.strip() for item in s.split(',')] in case of spaces after the coma? Aug 25, 2014 at 19:38

You're looking for str.split

the_string = '"hello","mike","cat","dog","burger"'
the_list = the_string.split(",") # split on a literal comma

Note that this requires that the user properly format the string, and that there are no leading or trailing spaces (e.g. Hello, dog becomes ["Hello", " dog"]). Consider building some sanity tests for the string, and possibly mapping the whole thing through str.strip

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