I have a large XML file (about 600 MB) that I am trying to parse using cElementTree with iterparse. First time attempting this.

I am iterating on 'product' tags and elem.clear()-ing after I process each product. Within my parsing I have a function parse_trips which uses a for loop to parse <trip> tags within <trips> tags (each product could potentially have hundreds of these which are each hundreds of lines long).

for trip in trips:
    get_date(trip, product)
    set_price(trip, product)

However, when I dump(trips) I see that these tags are getting truncated/closed out early without any error being thrown. The parser seems to reach a maximum length for the elem in memory and then just won't hold anymore.

The raw xml:


                eventInfo 1
                eventInfo 2
                eventInfo 3
                eventInfo 4
                eventInfo 5
                eventInfo 6
                eventInfo 7
                eventInfo 8

The output I am getting is while there might be 6 such groups, when I reach the second trip in the group, dump(trip) the looks like this:

                eventInfo 1
                eventInfo 2
                eventInfo 3

and every later trip is gone. I tried looping through and just incrementing an integer i to count how many <trip> tags there are, and it only reaches the second one which it truncates and then ends the for loop.

Is there a way to view/configure the size of the element iterparse can grab? Or a way to use iter again once I get to trips to grab ALL child nodes of <trips>?

  • The docs say dump() should be used "for debugging only. Have you tried using tostring instead? It might be a weirdness in the implementation. Aug 27, 2014 at 4:17
  • I am using dump() for debugging, but even when I remove it, it's clearly still truncating because the later elements don't get parsed.
    – alsoALion
    Aug 27, 2014 at 4:24
  • Try to reproduce with lxml to find out whether it's a cElementTree issue. May 3, 2015 at 13:16
  • I would try to use BeautifulSoup instead, which is built ontop of lxml and html5lib
    – rll
    Jul 31, 2015 at 14:14


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