I was just programming in c++, when all of a sudden all the "cout"s and "cin"s were errors and "Ambiguous". Including System.

I don't know why this happened. Everything was fine, I was coding the same program for about 2 hours, when it just... happened.


I can still run the program without errors, but they show as errors on the text, the red scribbly line. What happened?

I'm using the Visual Studio 2013 IDE, whatever it comes with.

#include <iostream>
#include <ctime>
#include <string>
#include <Windows.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <stdlib.h>

using namespace std;

int main()

struct Gun
    string name;
    int damage;
    int cost;
    bool purchased;
    bool equipped;

} M4A1, FAMAS;

M4A1.cost = 50;
M4A1.damage = 5;
M4A1.purchased = false;
M4A1.equipped = false;

FAMAS.cost = 300;
FAMAS.damage = 10;
FAMAS.purchased = false;
FAMAS.equipped = false;


struct Player
    int health;
    string name;
    int money;
    int energy;

    string l_a;
    string r_a;
    string l_l;
    string r_l;

    string rank;

} Player;


Player.l_a = "Normal";
Player.r_a = "Normal";
Player.l_l = "Normal";
Player.r_l = "Normal";

Player.health = 100;
Player.money = 100;
Player.energy = 100;

string plyrname;
string rank = "Private";

Player.name = plyrname;



cout << "What is your name? ";
cin >> plyrname;

goto mmenu;


//-----MAIN MENU(BEGIN)-----
if (Player.l_a == "Damaged")
    cout << "Your Left Arm is damaged! Sleep for a while to fix it!";
if (Player.r_a == "Damaged")
    cout << "Your Right Arm is damaged! Sleep for a while to fix it!";
if (Player.l_l == "Damaged")
    cout << "Your Left Leg is damaged! Sleep for a while to fix it!";
if (Player.r_l == "Damaged")
    cout << "Your Right Leg is damaged! Sleep for a while to fix it!";

if (Player.money >= 500 && Player.rank == "Private")
    cout << "You have been promoted to Private 2!";
    Player.rank = "Private 2";


if (Player.money >= 1000 && Player.rank == "Private 2")
    cout << "You have been promoted to Private First Class!";
    Player.rank = "Private First Class";

cout << "Health: " << Player.health << ". Money: " << Player.money << " dollars." << "   Energy: " << Player.energy;
if (M4A1.equipped)
    cout << "\nGun: M4A1";
if (FAMAS.equipped)
    cout << "\nGun: FAMAS";

cout << "\n\nRank: " << Player.rank;
cout << "\n\n1) Go to Gunstore\n2) Sleep\n3) Fight\n\nAction: ";
int mmenuch1;
cin >> mmenuch1;

if (mmenuch1 == 1)
    goto gunstore;

if (mmenuch1 == 2)
    cout << "You sleep, restoring your energy.";
    Player.energy = 100;

    if (Player.l_a == "Damaged")
        cout << "\n\nYour Left Arm was healed.";
        Player.l_a = "Normal";
    if (Player.r_a == "Damaged")
        cout << "\n\nYour Right Arm was healed.";
        Player.r_a = "Normal";
    if (Player.l_l == "Damaged")
        cout << "\n\nYour Left Leg was healed.";
        Player.l_l = "Normal";
    if (Player.r_l == "Damaged")
        cout << "Your Right Leg was healed.";

    goto mmenu;

if (mmenuch1 == 3)
    goto fight;

//-----MAIN MENU(END)-----



if (Player.r_a == "Damaged" || Player.r_l == "Damaged" || Player.l_a == "Damaged" || Player.l_l == "Damaged")
    cout << "You're injured, sleep to heal.";
    goto mmenu;

if (Player.energy < 40)
    cout << "You don't have enough energy to fight.";
    goto mmenu;

if (M4A1.equipped == false && FAMAS.equipped == false)
    cout << "You don't have a gun equipped.";
    goto gunstore;

if (M4A1.equipped == true && Player.energy > 40)

    int randnum1 = rand() % (M4A1.damage - 2 + 1) + 2;
    Player.money = Player.money + (randnum1 * 15);
    Player.energy = Player.energy - 40;

    int randnum3 = rand() % (10 - 1 + 1) + 1;
    if (randnum3 < 4)

        int randnum4 = rand() % (13 - 1 + 1) + 1;

        if (randnum4 < 3)
            Player.l_a = "Damaged";
        if (randnum4 <= 6 && randnum4 >= 4)
            Player.r_a = "Damaged";
        if (randnum4 <= 9 && randnum4 >= 7)
            Player.l_l = "Damaged";
        if (randnum4 <= 13 && randnum4 >= 10)
            Player.r_l = "Damaged";


    cout << "You fight, killing " << randnum1 << " enemies, making " << randnum1 * 15 << " dollars!";
    goto mmenu;


if (FAMAS.equipped == true && Player.energy > 40)
    int randnum2 = rand() % (FAMAS.damage - 4 + 1) + 4;
    Player.money = Player.money + (randnum2 * 15);
    Player.energy = Player.energy - 40;

    int randnum5 = rand() % (10 - 1 + 1) + 1;
    if (randnum5 < 4)

        int randnum6 = rand() % (13 - 1 + 1) + 1;

        if (randnum6 < 3)
            Player.l_a = "Damaged";
        if (randnum6 <= 6 && randnum6 >= 4)
            Player.r_a = "Damaged";
        if (randnum6 <= 9 && randnum6 >= 7)
            Player.l_l = "Damaged";
        if (randnum6 <= 13 && randnum6 >= 10)
            Player.r_l = "Damaged";


    cout << "You fight, killing " << randnum2 << " enemies, making " << randnum2 * 15 << " dollars!";
    goto mmenu;

cout << "Welcome to the gunstore! You have " << Player.money << " dollars.";
cout << "\n\n1)M4A1 | Assault Rifle | $50\n2)FAMAS | Assault Rifle | $300\n\n3)Back\n\nAction: ";

int gschoice1;

cin >> gschoice1;

if (gschoice1 == 1)
    goto prchs_M4A1;
else if (gschoice1 == 2)
    goto prchs_FAMAS;
else if (gschoice1 == 3)
    goto mmenu;



if (M4A1.purchased == true)
    cout << "You already purchased the M4A1. Would you like to equip it?\n\n1)Yes\n2)No\n\nAction: ";
    int gschoice6;
    cin >> gschoice6;

    if (gschoice6 == 1)
        M4A1.equipped = true;
        FAMAS.equipped = false;
        goto mmenu;
    else if (gschoice6 == 2)
        goto gunstore;


if (Player.money >= 0)
    cout << "Would you like to buy the M4A1?";
    cout << "\n\n1)Yes\n2)No\n\nAction: ";

    int gschoice2;
    cin >> gschoice2;

    if (gschoice2 == 1)
        Player.money = Player.money - M4A1.cost;
        M4A1.purchased = true;
        cout << "You've purchased the M4A1. Would you like to equip it?\n\n1)Yes\n2)No\n\nAction: ";
        int gschoice3;
        cin >> gschoice3;

        if (gschoice3 == 1)
            M4A1.equipped = true;
            FAMAS.equipped = false;

            cout << "You've equipped the M4A1";
            goto gunstore;

        if (gschoice3 == 2)
            M4A1.equipped = false;
            goto gunstore;


    if (gschoice2 == 2)
        goto gunstore;

else if (Player.money < 0)
    cout << "You don't have enough money.";
    goto gunstore;


if (FAMAS.purchased == true)
    cout << "You already purchased the FAMAS. Would you like to equip it?\n\n1)Yes\n2)No\n\nAction: ";
    int gschoice7;
    cin >> gschoice7;

    if (gschoice7 == 1)
        FAMAS.equipped = true;
        M4A1.equipped = false;
        goto mmenu;
    else if (gschoice7 == 2)
        goto gunstore;

    if (Player.money >= 100)
        cout << "Would you like to buy the FAMAS?";
        cout << "\n\n1)Yes\n2)No\n\nAction: ";

        int gschoice4;
        cin >> gschoice4;

        if (gschoice4 == 1)
            Player.money = Player.money - FAMAS.cost;
            FAMAS.purchased = true;
            cout << "You've purchased the FAMAS. Would you like to equip it?\n\n1)Yes\n2)No\n\nAction: ";
            int gschoice5;
            cin >> gschoice5;

            if (gschoice5 == 1)
                FAMAS.equipped = true;
                M4A1.equipped = false;
                cout << "You've equipped the FAMAS";
                goto gunstore;

            if (gschoice5 == 2)
                FAMAS.equipped = false;
                goto gunstore;


        if (gschoice4 == 2)
            goto gunstore;

    else if (Player.money < 100)
        cout << "You don't have enough money.";
        goto gunstore;

  • 2
    No, it didn't "just happen". You changed something! Aug 27, 2014 at 23:31
  • 1
    I know what cout and cin are likely to be. What's System?
    – T.C.
    Aug 27, 2014 at 23:32
  • 4
    "The red scribbly line" implies intellisense in an IDE of some sort. Please be aware that there are many of these, and many programmers don't even use an IDE. Therefore, if your question is about the behaviour of some IDE, you need to include prominently in the question which one. Aug 27, 2014 at 23:33
  • 10
    And now a huge code dump. :( I don't want to discourage you, @Colby, because I know you are a new, young coder. I want you to continue trying and experiementing because that's good! You should probably be made aware, though, that your questions aren't likely to find much footing on SO because it's not really a site for teaching from scratch, and your questions are showing a pattern of not following best practices. I suggest having a read through the Help material, and some of the higher scoring questions, to see what we do here on SO. Good luck! Aug 27, 2014 at 23:36
  • 4
    Why do you include both <cstdlib> and <stdlib.h>?
    – T.C.
    Aug 27, 2014 at 23:37

1 Answer 1


This kind of thing doesn't just magically happen on its own; you changed something! In industry we use version control to make regular savepoints, so when something goes wrong we can trace back the specific changes we made that resulted in that problem.

Since you haven't done that here, we can only really guess. In Visual Studio, Intellisense (the technology that gives you auto-complete dropdowns and those squiggly red lines) works separately from the actual C++ compiler under the bonnet, and sometimes gets things a bit wrong.

In this case I'd ask why you're including both cstdlib and stdlib.h; you should only use one of them, and I recommend the former. They are basically the same header, a C header, but cstdlib puts them in the namespace std in order to "C++-ise" them. In theory, including both wouldn't conflict but, well, this is Microsoft we're talking about. Their C++ toolchain sometimes leaves something to be desired. Any time the Intellisense disagrees with the compiler has to be considered a bug, whichever way you look at it!

Anyway, your use of using namespace std (which I would recommend against, in future) means that std::system from cstdlib now conflicts with system from stdlib.h. I can't explain what's going on with std::cout and std::cin.

Try removing #include <stdlib.h> and see what happens.

If your program is building successfully then you don't need to worry too much about this, but I can imagine the false positives being annoying when you're working in your IDE.

  • 3
    I wouldn't usually answer such a low-quality question but, as I indicated in my comment above, I want to encourage new, young programmers to keep experimenting and learning. However, since Stack Overflow is not a forum or discussion area, I would ask you to check out the Help area and any existing upvoted C++ questions, to see what it is that we get up to here on Stack Overflow! Aug 27, 2014 at 23:42
  • 1
    My theory is that Intellisense might be reporting an ambiguity between, e.g., ::system and std::system thanks to the using namespace std;.
    – T.C.
    Aug 27, 2014 at 23:48
  • 8
    The same thing happened to me in VS 2017. I confirmed no changes via a diff to my source control. I restarted VS and then reopened my project and the problem had gone away. Sep 12, 2019 at 22:42
  • 3
    Same thing happened in VS 2019. Commented out #include <iostream>, built (lots of errors), removed the comment, rebuilt and it all cleared up. Restarting VS would probably have fixed it too. I'm guess some sort of Intellisense bug.
    – AlainD
    Jul 14, 2020 at 10:39
  • 2
    I've faced the same situation in VS 2020. I restarted the IDE and it was gone.
    – Naveen
    Nov 17, 2020 at 18:58

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