I try to post Data to a remote server (Windows Server 2012 R2, IIS 7), and only one of my class is not working I receive (Error 403), but my data are stored on my sqlite file.

I'm not sure about this part of my code:

        public object Post(PatientSessionADD request)
        PatientSessionCRUDFunctions PSCF = new PatientSessionCRUDFunctions(Db);
        PatientDetailsCRUDFunctions PDCF = new PatientDetailsCRUDFunctions(Db);

        // Create the new Session

            // Start Session
            var p = new PatientSession()
                ByPatientId = request.ByPatientId,
                PatientStartSessionTime = request.PatientStartSessionTime,
                PatientStartSessionByUserId = request.PatientStartSessionByUserId

            patientsessionid = PSCF.AddPatientSession(p);

            // --- Generate folder + Images ---
            // Get AgeBlock
            var PatientDetails = PDCF.GetPatientDetailsByID(p.ByPatientId);
            string ageblock = PatientDetails.AgeBlock;
            // Generate path with Session ID
            // Call image generator and create images

            // Return a JSON Response
            return new PatientSessionADDResponse 
                PatientSessionId = patientsessionid

When I call my function AddPatientSession directly from my JSON response, I don't get the error 403. There here my function to ADD Data in the database:

public class PatientSessionCRUDFunctions
    // The IDbConnection passed in from the IOC container on the service
    System.Data.IDbConnection _dbConnection;

    // Store the database connection passed in
    public PatientSessionCRUDFunctions(System.Data.IDbConnection dbConnection)
        _dbConnection = dbConnection;

    // Inserts a new row into the PatientSession table
    public int AddPatientSession(PatientSession p)
        return (int)_dbConnection.Insert<PatientSession>(p, selectIdentity: true);

Also when I test my code locally my class is working, so I checked IIS Permissions and I didn't found anything for my issue. it's really confusing because I don't know if the problem is from my code or from IIS.

Do you see what problem it could be? Thanks

  • 2
    If it's working locally, then the issue is going to be IIS. If you look up error 413 you'll see it's a Request Entity too Large, this isn't a ServiceStack error. It likely means your trying to upload large files that exceed a limit set by IIS. See here for more information
    – Scott
    Aug 28, 2014 at 17:43
  • I'm really sorry @Scott I made a mistake, I get error "403". Sorry about that I what quite tired when I put my question
    – Ben
    Aug 29, 2014 at 12:58
  • Ok I fix the problem with IIS Permissions, Thanks @Scott but why I had this problem (error 403) only for this class. In this implementation I'm getting the ID of a another table to link my tables with a join. I use a function to get it maybe it could be this? If I find the answer I will post it there I'm pretty sure it's not only IIS permissions
    – Ben
    Sep 1, 2014 at 13:33

1 Answer 1


I finally found my problem was about IIS authentication, I enable all kind of authentications, it's probably not the best think to do but I don't get this error anymore. enter image description here

  • Activate only "Anonymous authentication" and "ASP.NET Impersonation" is enought
    – Ben
    Sep 24, 2014 at 15:08

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