I am trying to turn off the following warning message

OgnlValueStac W com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger warn Error setting expression 'checkboxidentifyer' with value '[Ljava.lang.String;@518b518b'

I have tried putting the following in my log4j.xml file

<logger name="log4j.logger.org.apache.struts2" >
    <level value="ERROR" />
    <appender-ref ref="console" />
<logger name="log4j.logger.com.opensymphony" >
  <level value="ERROR" />
  <appender-ref ref="console" />
<logger name="ognl.OgnlException" >
  <level value="ERROR" />
     <appender-ref ref="console" />
<logger name="com.opensymphony.xwork2.util.logging.commons.CommonsLogger" >
  <level value="ERROR" />
  <appender-ref ref="console" />
<logger name="ognl.OgnlRuntime" >
  <level value="ERROR" />
  <appender-ref ref="console" />

I have also tried adding

<constant name="struts.devMode" value="false" />

to my struts.xml file. Also I have tried adding the following to the interceptor-stack section of the struts.xml file

<interceptor-ref name="defaultStack">
    <param name="excludeParams">.*?checkbox.*</param>

My questions are:

  1. Did I do a miss configuration?
  2. How do you disable the warnings.

2 Answers 2


The excludeParams is a property of the params interceptor and should be referenced like this

<interceptor-ref name="defaultStack">
    <param name="params.excludeParams">.*?checkbox.*</param>

Note, if you use interceptor-ref tag on the action then it overrides the default interceptor stack and applicable only to this action config. For common usage consider creating a custom interceptor stack and make it default for any action configuration.

You can set a logging level for interceptors and OGNL. Using log4j.properties

  • I tried the change to the param name, and I also tried adding the new log4j.properties (we did not have one of those since we are using the xml configuration instead) and still I am getting the warning message. And yes we are over riding the defualt interceptor-stack.
    – mpop
    Aug 29, 2014 at 15:58
  • Let me also note I have tried adding those identifers to the log4j.xml file too, adding <logger name="log4j.logger.com.opensymphony.xwork2.interceptor" > and <logger name="log4j.logger.com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl" > to it, using the same body for the logger tag as I used in the question above.
    – mpop
    Aug 29, 2014 at 16:08
  • Also add <level value="ERROR">.
    – Roman C
    Aug 29, 2014 at 17:29
  • I do have that in the file, both entries follow this formula <logger name="log4j.logger.com.opensymphony.xwork2.ognl" > <level value="ERROR" /> <appender-ref ref="console" /> </logger>
    – mpop
    Aug 29, 2014 at 17:30
  • playing off of your anser about the location of the excludeParams, I moved it out of the <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack"> section and into the <interceptor-ref name="params"> and that is what finally fixed the issue.
    – mpop
    Aug 29, 2014 at 17:37

I finnaly sovled the error, while I had (as seen in the question above the param in the defaultStack interceptor-ref, when I moved the param to the interceptor-ref name params it removed the error

<interceptor-stack name="new_default_stack">
  <interceptor-ref name="params">
  <param name="paramNameMaxLength">250</param>
  <param name="excludeParams">.*?checkbox.*</param>
  <interceptor-ref name="timeActions"/>
  <interceptor-ref name="defaultStack">

  <interceptor-ref name="userProfile"/>
  <interceptor-ref name="valueStackManipulator"/>
  <interceptor-ref name="actionHistoryRecorder"/>
  <interceptor-ref name="cachingHeadersInterceptor"/>

it was the location of the excludeParams that needed to be changed.

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