
I have about 50 or so links similar to the following:

     <asp:TableCell Font-Bold="true"><asp:Hyperlink ID="Hyperlink9" runat="server" CssClass="Hyptext" Name="HypLink1" TextDecorations="None" NavigateUrl="~/Folde1/Second.aspx" Text="Case Study 12 "/></asp:TableCell>  

What I like to do is when the user clicks on the hyperlink, I like to validate that the user has permission to view the links. If so, they can view it. If not, a pop-up will come information them that they need to sign in order to view the links.


1) What is the best way when the user clicks on the HyperLink to do a server side click event. From what I seen,only a client side even can be done with the asp:Hyperlink. I like to then validate if they have permissions. If not, throw a pop-up window.

  • Stick with ASP.NET's built in authorization mechanism rather than rolling your own.
    – mason
    Aug 29, 2014 at 19:53

2 Answers 2


You should not do that. Instead, you should...

On server side, check to see if user is logged in...

  • if not logged in, provide login link and text "Login to see case studies".
  • if already logged in, provide links user has access to.

You need an onClick tag that points to a method. Create one event handler function and point all your hyperlinks to it. Once the event handler fires, cast the sender to Hyperlink and go from there.

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