

oldport=$(awk -F'"port":|,' '{i=$2;print i}'  "$filename")
read newport

sed -i "s/$oldport_str/$newport_str/g" "$filename"

I don't know about the error.If you have the answer,please tell me,thanks

  • On line 1, character 7, the "s" command is unterminated. I don't even know the language, but the error message is quite self-explanatory. I'll bet I could fix the syntax problem with a few seconds of effort. Have you tried? Aug 30, 2014 at 3:27
  • i think it's beacuse of the quotes which was present inside your variable. Aug 30, 2014 at 3:28
  • The problem is from "old-port" the variable which is read from port.properties,if I just set the "old-port" value in the script or input by command,that's right.Is there different from them?
    – JohnKery
    Aug 30, 2014 at 3:49

2 Answers 2


Something in the old value is off; it contains an invisible character (DOS carriage return?) or something you are not showing us.

Anyway, finding the old value using a regex just so you can replace it is not preventing any accidents here, so the simplest fix is to remove the part which reads the old value.

read newport
sed -i "s/\(\"port\":\).*/\1$newport/" port.properties

Some sed dialects do not require backslashes before capturing parentheses; experiment with the precise syntax for your version before committing anything.

  • The |, part of your Awk script's -F argument suggests that maybe you are not really showing us precisely what the input file looks like. If it's different in reality, you'll obviously have to adapt the solution.
    – tripleee
    Aug 30, 2014 at 6:45

just change the whole thing to a simple:

read -r newport
awk -v new="$newport" 'BEGIN{FS=OFS=":"} $1~/"port"/{$2=new} 1' "$filename" > tmp &&
mv tmp "$filename"

The above will work no matter what characters are in your file or read input string.

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