I have a challenge with nested routes, in angular js, here is snippet in app.js

    when('/profile/:id', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/profile',
        controller: 'profileCtrl'
    when('/profile/:id/editTaskList', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/editTaskList',
        controller: 'checkListCtrl',
        activeMenu: 'editTaskList'

I want to have to access to the "profile data" in every single route under the "/profile/:id".

"Profile Data" example is :

   user: "demo",
   title: "dev"

and it comes through AJAX(JSON) based on the ID in the routs

The way how it is setup now, is having a service to get the User profile and I make the service request for the profile ID in "profileCtrl".

The problem that I have, if someone share the url and goes right away to "/profile/:id/editTaskList", the "profileCtrl" doesn't fire .

I don't think by adding service request in "checkListCtrl" is a good practice , because I'll have more nested routes under the "profile" and it will require to duplicate the code in multiple controllers.

What is the best practice to fix this issue ? For me would work as well if i can fire "profileCtrl" all the time when we are "/profile/:id" or lower

1 Answer 1


you can get your data before you controllers are initalized

    when('/profile/:id', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/profile',
        controller: 'profileCtrl',
        resolve: {
         profile: ['ProfileService','$route', function (ProfileService,$route) {
                 return  ProfileService.getProfile($route.current.params.id);

    when('/profile/:id/editTaskList', {
        templateUrl: 'partials/editTaskList',
        controller: 'checkListCtrl',
         resolve: {
         profile: ['ProfileService','$route', function (ProfileService,$route) {
                 return  ProfileService.getProfile($route.current.params.id);

        activeMenu: 'editTaskList'

controller will be

function myCtrl($scope,profile){
// now profile is your data 

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