I want calculate a "dynamic" timestampdiff where params are in tables and I have to make a query for extract it. Both params are stored like datetime. I try commands like this:

 timestampdiff(second,now(),'select date1 from dates where id=1;');

and the result is ERROR 1064, SQL Syntax error.

I have search in Google and SO and I have find some interesting comments in this question Calculate difference between two datetimes in MySQL

1 Answer 1


You are very close here. What you need is

SELECT timestampdiff(second,now(),date1)
  FROM dates
 WHERE id=1

Your attempt put a text string with your SQL statement in the third actual parameter to timestampdiff(). MySQL attempted to parse that as a datetime constant and gacked.

  • Certain, I see the error few seconds after post the question. Your answer work fine. Thanks @OllieJones Sep 8, 2014 at 11:17

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