I'm using SoapUI Pro, datasouce step from type groovy.

first part of my script:

def url = "http://www.xmlfiles.com/examples/plant_catalog.xml"
def slurper  = new XmlSlurper()
def content = slurper.parseText(url.toURL().text)
def allPlants = content.PLANT

second part of my script:

def row = testRunner.testCase.testSteps["groovyDS"].currentRow

if (row < allPlants.size()){


Currently all script run from the beginning every row. I want the first part to run only once, and the second for each row

1 Answer 1


You could warp the first part of your script in

if(testRunner.testCase.testSteps["groovyDS"].currentRow == 1) {
    // your script

However, this will not accomplish what you intend. On your second pass, allPlants.size() will error with a null poiter exception.


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