I am currently using 1.4.4 compiled version of memcache in RHEL distro & from monitoring point of view:

memcached-tool display    # shows slabs
memcached-tool stats      # shows general stats

These two commands are great for monitoring stats, slabs stats, etc..

while exploring options that amazon elasticcache provides: docs.aws.amazon

In short, amazon provides

EvictedUnfetched    The number of valid items evicted from the least recently used cache (LRU) which were never touched after being set.

I dont see this option available in memcache-tool, being aware that it says it is available for 1.4.14 in above doc,

Is there anyway to getting this stat on memcached 1.4.4 [not in elasticcache i am looking for that stat in compiled memached 1.4.4 in RHEL]

1 Answer 1


I'm not sure whether this stat is available in memcached 1.4.4 but it is possible to view all available stats with the telnet client.

$ telnet <host> 11211
telnet> stats

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