Is there a way to set up a perforce workspace with client mappings to a specific revision of some elements?


//depot/...                 //localpath/...
//depot/external/...@117    //localpath/external/...

In that case the first line should map the whole depo to localpath, but the external subfolder should be mapped to revision 117 of the external depot folder.

I know that that syntax does not work, but is there a way to achieve this goal using only the client mappings?

2 Answers 2


In the 2014.2 release of the Perforce server, there is an interesting new feature that might address your needs:

#770674 (Bug #1648) **
    Client specs now support an optional 'ChangeView' field that
    locks certain depot paths to a particular changelist level:


    Revisions belonging to files under those paths will not be
    visible if they were submitted after the given changelist.
    Files mapped in the ChangeView may not be submitted.

No, it is not possible to map specific revisions (via label or date or other) of files.

The way how you could solve this is, is to branch off //depot/external/...@117 into a separate path and then map that path:

p4 integrate //depot/external/...@117    //depot/external_v117/... p4

Then the clientview could be like:

//depot/...                 //yourclient/...
//depot/external_v117/...   //yourclient/external/...
-//depot/external/...         //yourclient/external/...

But as you might notice, the depot tree gets confusing very easily. So you should plan a structure like this in beforehand.

  • I have nothing useful to add, but would like to register my frustration at this baffling limitation. Jun 13, 2018 at 23:08

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