I am trying to set default (uneditable) sort for a single category in Magento to SKU DESC and hide the sort option on that category only

basically I want this to only sort on SKU, DESC... regardless of what options were selected on other pages before hitting this page

So far I am able to hide the sort feature, no problem, but setting the sort is giving me some trouble

I have added in: /app/design/frontend/default/idp/template/catalog/category/view.phtml

if($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] == {MY IP}) :
  if($_category->getId() == 4) :
    $_category->_data['default_sort_by'] = "sku_sort";

This is setting the default sort order on this page fine, but I cannot find how to force it to go DESC instead of ASC.. any help would be appreciated

as a temporary fix until I figure this out, I am using the solution found here, the first comment on the page has a specialized solution (changed created_at to sku) The only problem with this solution is it affects all sku based sorting pages and results, not just the single page

1 Answer 1


You can modify the toolbar object from the catalog/product/list.phtm removing available sort attributes and setting the default sort you need:

$_category = Mage::registry('current_category');
if ($_category && $_category->getId() == 4 && $this->getListBlock()){
   $availableOrders = $_category->getAvailableSortByOptions();
   unset($availableOrders['position']); // Delete the sort attributes you don't need


Hope that helps

  • on /app/design/frontend/default/idp/template/catalog/product/list.phhtml this code doesn't do what is expected... when checking for $this->getListBlock() it always fails... so that block is not set (placed at top of page)
    – Kender
    Sep 22, 2014 at 13:48

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