I'm using the Serilog.Extras.AppSetting package, to configure Serilog. I'm attempting to use the Email sink (Serilog.Sinks.Email), but I can't figure out how to configure the network credentials property via an AppSetting.

    <add key="serilog:using" value="Serilog.Sinks.Email" />
    <add key="serilog:write-to:Email.mailServer" value="localhost" />
    <add key="serilog:write-to:Email.fromEmail" value="[email protected]" />
    <add key="serilog:write-to:Email.toEmail" value="[email protected]" />
    <add key="serilog:write-to:Email.restrictedToMinimumLevel " value="Error" />

<add key="serilog:write-to:Email.networkCredential" value="???" />

How can I specify/represent an NetworkCredential object using AppSettings? Is it even possible, or is this a limitation of the AppSetting approach to configuration in Serilog?

  • I had this working as you suggest with <add key="serilog:write-to:Email.credentials" value='{"Username":"[email protected]", "Password":"xxxxxx"}' /> but in my flailing I messed it up again. If I get it working once more, I will post the answer Oct 9, 2017 at 13:45

2 Answers 2


There isn't currently a nice way to do this, unfortunately.

Where this has popped up in the past we've sometimes added overloads with simple parameters - raising a bug or PR to that effect would be welcome.

Otherwise, reading the values out of AppSettings manually and configuring the sink in code is the best bet.

  • Is it still the case? Jun 29, 2015 at 1:47
  • 1
    Yes, though a PR adding a username/password overload would very likely be included. Cheers! Jun 30, 2015 at 4:36
  • Was this added yet? I would need this, too. Dec 15, 2016 at 13:39

Does Serilog pick up settings from the <mailSettings> element in your app.config? If not, this would make a good PR ;)

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