i have two uiviews as containers on my mainview. now i want to rotate the device. the content from container 1 should rotate together with the statusbar. the second container should stay as it is. at start the second container is like a footer toolbar but after rotation it should bi like a bar on the right/left.

how can i do this?

my viewcontroller allows to rotate and at the storyboard i have autoresize subviews activated.

at my app the footer bar will stay at the footer with full width of the screen. how can i fix the position of this view?

the result should look like the footer bar of the iphone springboard on the iPhone 6plus

  • Did you saw this question? stackoverflow.com/questions/7353789/… If you build something simple go with the UIWindow based answer. Otherwise I suggest to use multiple view controllers.
    – irmco
    Sep 23, 2014 at 13:31
  • i saw the question. it doesnt worked for me. the container will always be moved or resized and rotated. with counter-rotation it doesnt helped because i will jump around :( Sep 23, 2014 at 16:04
  • Ah, I see. The bar animation in iPhone 6+ is pretty interesting. The internal parts rotates but the outer layout remains same.
    – irmco
    Sep 24, 2014 at 15:45
  • the statusbar should rotate full size. i think there is no way to change this behavior. But the rotation like the menubar on the bottom should be possible. Sep 24, 2014 at 18:28


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