I am copying several hundred rows of comma delimited data into Excel 2010 (32-Bit version).

Part of the data in some rows get separated into columns, e.g. (just an example - does not actually happen):

{1, "Hello", 8,"Bye"},
{2, "John", 9,"Joe"},
{3, "Hot", 10,"Cold"},
{4, "Bad", 11,"Good"},
{5, "Red", 12,"Blue"},

Gets copied as:

Column A                          Column B             
{1, "Hello", 8,"Bye"},
{2,                              "John", 9,"Joe"},
{3, "Hot", 10,"Cold"},
{4, "Bad",                       11,"Good"},
{5, "Red", 12,"Blue"},

The maximum row length I am copying is 235 and Excel should allow at least 255 characters. I have read that Excel 2010 allows 32,767 characters per cell.

Does anyone know why some of the rows are getting separated in separate columns?

Here is an example of a row that Excel put into separate columns:

/* XXX */{"00000000000000000", XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX       , XX(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX      ), XXXX , "X"   , XXXX       , X    , XXXXXX     , X          ,  XX, XXX, XXX, XXX    , XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX , XXXXXXXXXXX     , XXXXXXXXXXX   , "XXX" },

Here is an example of a row that Excel did not put into separate columns:

/* XXX */{"XXXXX X. XXXXXX*"  , XX.XXXXXXXXX            , XX(XXXXXXXXXXX            ), XXXX , ""     , XXX  , XX   , X     , X         ,  XX, XXX, XXX, XXX    , XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXX  , ""             },
  • I think you are going to need to give the actual example where you replace any private data with something else.
    – Carter
    Sep 24, 2014 at 16:08
  • Here's the Example:/* XXX */{"00000000000000000", XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX , XX(XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ), XXXX , "X" , XXXX , X , XXXXXX , X , XX, XXX, XXX, XXX , XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX , XXXXXXXXXXX , XXXXXXXXXXX , "XXX" }, Sep 24, 2014 at 17:02
  • Here's an Example that doesn't get separated: /* XXX /{"XXXXX X. XXXXXX" , XX.XXXXXXXXX , XX(XXXXXXXXXXX ), XXXX , "" , XXX , XX , X , X , XX, XXX, XXX, XXX , XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXXXX, XXXXXXXXXXXX , "" }, Sep 24, 2014 at 17:49
  • that pastes as the same text to me.
    – Carter
    Sep 24, 2014 at 18:33
  • Try adding it up above as code rather than in these commnets.
    – Carter
    Sep 24, 2014 at 18:33

2 Answers 2


I would use something like Notepad++ and its find and replace feature. Replace the brackets with nothing and replace the commas with \t (using "Extended" Search Mode. Then copy and paste

  • Ok...I didn't explain whether I wanted the data to get separated or not:). It might sound strange, but I don't want the data to get separate into separate columns. Sep 24, 2014 at 16:10
  • gotcha, I guess it depends on where you are copying the data from i.e. HTML, Word, Text, etc. There could be extra spaces or characters being added.
    – xjx424
    Sep 24, 2014 at 16:24
  • Notepad++ and Notepad give me the same results. Sep 24, 2014 at 16:57

There seems to be something like a tab character is some of your data. Your options are either:

  • deal with this before input to Excel, or
  • deal with this in Excel.

For the former something like Notepad++ (or many other applications) should suit, as indicated by @xjx424 (to replace the control sequence having determined what that is).

For the latter (my preference), if {1 etc is in A2, I'd put:


in C2 and copy down to suit. Then select all, Copy, Paste Special, Values over the top and delete ColumnsA:B.

If getting split (sometimes) into more than two pieces this is easy to extend.

  • 1
    Fantastic. Thanks. I didn't realize a tab would cause Excel to separate the text into different columns. Sep 24, 2014 at 19:07

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