I need your help.

Is it possible to do the following using c#?

I have a method

void SomeMethod(int p1 = 0, bool p2 = true, string p3 = "")
    // some code

And I need to call this method with unknown number of arguments on compile time. I mean on runtime the app should load info about arguments from xml (for example) and call the method with those arguments. Xml file may contains 0 to 3 arguments.

How to call the SomeMethod method with unknown number of arguments loaded from xml?

Thank you

  • Is 3 the max amount of args or is there possibly more as you can use the same name in function names with different args.
    – ZoomVirus
    Sep 25, 2014 at 14:34
  • Karl, no, 3 args are for example. It could be 10 or even 20.
    – Alex Maroz
    Sep 25, 2014 at 14:39
  • Why not just have List<Int>, List<String>, List<Boolean> ... ?
    – paparazzo
    Sep 25, 2014 at 14:45
  • Because of each argument has unique role in method. This is not just list of ids or list of names of something.
    – Alex Maroz
    Sep 25, 2014 at 14:48

2 Answers 2


You can do it using reflection:

  • Obtain MethodInfo passing all three parameter types.
  • Obtain run-time parameter values
  • Obtain parameter metadata ParameterInfo\[\] from MethodInfo by calling GetParameters()
  • For each missing parameter, check HasDefaultValue, and grab DefaultValue if it does
  • Append an array of default values to the array of values passed in. You will have an array of three objects
  • Pass the resultant array to the method that you obtained using reflection.

Read in the arguments into the variables and depending on how many were found, call SomeMethod. For example if you have valid values for p1, call SomeMethod(p1); valid values for p1 and p2, SomeMethod(p1, p2)...so on and so forth.

  • This is not gonna work. Because in case of 10 arguments I'll need to "hardcode" a lot of combinations.
    – Alex Maroz
    Sep 25, 2014 at 14:41
  • oh ok. That is what I was wondering if you had variable number of arguments. I think then what @dasblinkenlight proposes will. Sep 25, 2014 at 15:12

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