I do not seem to be able to install GitPython in my windows 7 environment. I have tried both GitPython-0.1.7 and GitPython-0.3.2.RC1 on both python-2.7.8 and python-3.4.1 and all combinations cause a failure.

I use 'python setup.py install' to install these packages.

GitPython-0.1.7 seems to need ez_setup which in turn fails as it needs setuptools.

GitPython-0.3.2.RC1 seems to need gitdb-0.5.4 which throws up a number of warnings

I understand that python-3.x does not support GitPython, is this still true?

As you can tell by my ramblings, I have am getting a little frustrated and would appreciate some guidance.

1 Answer 1


Get https://sites.google.com/site/pydatalog/python/pip-for-windows and point it to your Python34 or Python27 directory. It should set you up with setuptools and easy_install. Good place to start.



As this version of GitPython depends on GitDB, which in turn needs Async to work, installation is a bit more complicated if you do a manual installation, instead of using easy_install.

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