I would like to change a variable but if a first condition is true jump to the end of the if-block, respectively, do nothing. This pseudo code shows what I want:

if ( $x =~ /^\d{4}$/ ) {  # first condition
    $x = $x;
elsif ( cond2 ) {         # second condition
    do something with $x;
elsif ( cond3  ) {        # third condition
    do something with $x;

I don't like the code above since I find it strange to assign the variable to itself. An other solution to avoid this self assignment is:

if ( $x !~ /^\d{4}$/ ) {
    if ( cond2 ) {            # second condition
        do something with $x;
    elsif ( cond3  ) {        # third condition
        do something with $x;

What I don't like on this code is that it is nested (what makes it complicated). I would like to have something like this:

if ( $x =~ /^\d{4}$/ ) {  # first condition
    stop here and go to the end  of the if block (END)
elsif ( cond2 ) {         # second condition
    do something with $x;
elsif ( cond3  ) {        # third condition
    do something with $x;
} (END)

I know that there are commands last and next but as I understand these commands they works for getting out of a loop.

Any idea how to write a simple nice code for this problem?

Thanks for any hint.

  • 2
    Why do you think you have to do anything inside the code block? Oct 2, 2014 at 10:13
  • @i alarmed alien: Because {} looks very odd but the longer I look at it the familiar it becomes.
    – giordano
    Oct 2, 2014 at 11:32
  • 2
    You can always put a comment in it if you don't like the lack of content - it will help your future self and other users know why there isn't any code. Oct 2, 2014 at 11:37

3 Answers 3


You are mistaken about how if-else works.

Where you wrote

if ( $x =~ /^\d{4}$/ ) {  # first condition
    stop here and go to the end  of the if block (END)

... that is exactly what does happen.

This (which you wrote):

if ( $x =~ /^\d{4}$/ ) {  # first condition
    $x = $x;
elsif ( cond2 ) {         # second condition
    do something with $x;
elsif ( cond3  ) {        # third condition
    do something with $x;

is the same as this

if ( $x =~ /^\d{4}$/ ) {  # first condition
    # do nothing
elsif ( cond2 ) {         # second condition
    do something with $x;
elsif ( cond3  ) {        # third condition
    do something with $x;

When you understand this, what you are trying to to might seem more obvious.

  • 1
    How is it different from his second code block? !( $x =~ /foo/) and $x !~ /foo/ are equivalent
    – Zaid
    Oct 2, 2014 at 11:36
  • @GreenAsJade: Thanks, that's it ( if () {} elsif {do something} ... ). I thought about this but I never saw it somewhere so I thought that there must be another way to do it. !( $x =~ /^\d{4}$/ ) is not the same as ( $x !~ /^\d{4}$/ )?
    – giordano
    Oct 2, 2014 at 11:37
  • 1
    Whoa, you can stare at easy conditionals and stil get them wrong! My mistake! Oct 2, 2014 at 12:39

You can use basic block to exit your code


  if ( $x =~ /^\d{4}$/ ) {  # first condition
      # stop here and go to the end  of the if block (END)
      last BLOCK;
  elsif ( cond2 ) {         # second condition
      do something with $x;
  elsif ( cond3  ) {        # third condition
      do something with $x;

but since you're having elsifs you can omit code for first condition which would have same effect.

  • 1
    Thanks for this basic block. I didn't know about this. But I think for this kind of problem I just omit the code after if () {} as you mention. I wonder why you have been downvoted.
    – giordano
    Oct 2, 2014 at 11:27
  • Please comment when down voting.
    – mpapec
    Oct 2, 2014 at 11:35
  • @giordano yes, in your case that is the best option.
    – mpapec
    Oct 2, 2014 at 11:36
  • 2
    In situations like this one might argue that case/switch constructs have a much cleaner look and feel. Having said that, I'd personally just stick with if/elsif and let the conditionals do the rest.
    – Zaid
    Oct 2, 2014 at 11:54

You may like the idea of using for as a topicaliser, which shortens your regex matches as well as allowing you to use last to skip the whole block.

A lot depends on what cond2, cond3 and do something with $x look like, but something like this could work

for ($x) {
   last if /^\d{4}$/;
   if ( cond2 ) {
       do something with $_;
   elsif ( cond3  ) {
       do something with $_;

or retaining the nesting and allowing unless as the regex pattern match is now a lot shorter

for ($x) {
   unless (/^\d{4}$/) {
      if ( cond2 ) {
          do something with $_;
      elsif ( cond3  ) {
          do something with $_;

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