I have written my own zsh (actually, I'm using zsh with oh-my-zsh, if it's relevant to the subject) prompt, its code follows:

PROMPT="%{$fg[green]%n%}@%{%m%}:%{$fg[yellow]%~%} %{$fg[red]%#$reset_color%} "

Everything is fine except the only issue: when I use autocompletion (press Tab), prompt collapses to first few symbols.

Here's the screenshot, collapsed prompt is in the left Terminal window, and the normal prompt is in the right window.


1 Answer 1


I'm not sure whether I got it exactly as you wanted but try this for a start:

local gr=${1:-'green'}
local bl=${2:-'blue'}
local re=${3:-'red'}
local wh=${4:-'white'}
local cy=${5:-'cyan'}
local ye=${6:-'yellow'}

export PROMPT="%F{$gr}%n%f@%m:%F{$ye}%~%f %F{$re}%#%f "

I'm not sure exactly what you did wrong, but it appears that those curly braces were messing with your prompt. By approach to prompt customization uses %F{$ID} where ID is one of the identifiers I defined for starting colouring and %f for stopping colouring. You can make text bold using %B (remove bold using %b).

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