
this may be a beginner's question. I've tried searching for info but couldn't find anything. Part of my work requires me to convert a specific, proprietary, file type. Unfortunately the software is no longer supported and can't be found. I have no idea where to start on this. I would like to write a little utility to basically convert the file for me to a standard file. Question is where do I start? Conceptually what am I looking at here? Is this even possible?

1 Answer 1


You could start by understanding what is stored in the file. Is there a pattern to the data, what is the pattern, how it is repeated, etc.

Then open the file in binary mode and try to find if there is indeed a pattern. If there is one, you should be able to see it, even if in binary mode.

And lots of patience :-)

  • So is this technically reverse engineering? If it is I will start doing my research on how to do this. I will be learning from new obviously.
    – MAH
    Oct 5, 2014 at 19:02

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