What's the idiomatic way to achieve the below without reproducing the expression yielding the non-integer value (in my real case the value is computed as a percentage following a lengthy query which I don't want to reproduce):

SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE 1/100.0 >0 AND 1/100.0<=0.5

I am interested in a generalized pattern that can accommodate all type of boundaries: [], [), (] and ().

  • 1
    Your code really doesn't make sense. I'm going to assume that you want that expression in the where clause, not the select clause. Oct 5, 2014 at 17:27
  • @GordonLinoff you are right; I updated the question Oct 5, 2014 at 17:42

2 Answers 2


If you don't want to rewrite the expression, then use a subquery:

select t.*
from (select 1/100.0 as x
      . . .
     ) t
where x > 0 and x <= 0.5

For the special case of equality as both nds, then you can use between:

where 1/100.0 between 0 and 0.5

You can construct the range and check whether it contains your value:

SELECT * FROM SomeTable WHERE numrange(0,0.5,'(]') @> 1/100.0;
  • it appears that this is not available in PostgreSQL 9.1 Oct 5, 2014 at 18:08
  • Sorry for not looking at your tags, indeed, they appeared in 9.2 first.
    – vyegorov
    Oct 5, 2014 at 18:32

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