This is driving me crazy. I have legacy code where I added few more conditions (below). I am parsing a string and retrieving the data. This is how it is done in legacy code so I haven't changed the style.

        WORD wPSM = 0;
        double dblPST = 0;
        WORD wSDB = 0;

        if(-1 != str.Find("PSM="))
            nNumScanned = sscanf_s((LPCTSTR) str, "PSM=%u", &wPSM);
        if(-1 != str.Find("PST="))
            nNumScanned = sscanf_s((LPCTSTR) str, "PST=%lf", &dblPST);
        if(-1 != str.Find("SDB="))
            nNumScanned = sscanf_s((LPCTSTR) str, "SDB=%u", &wSDB);

I get error Run-Time Check Failure #2 - Stack around the variable 'wPSM' was corrupted. I don't get this error if I commented these three lines. str is CString and it does contain the expected value.

Is there something wrong with sscanf_s syntax above that maybe causing this?

Note this is c++ project with VS2010, I have marked it C only to draw attention because of sscanf_s

  • There is no wPST variable in the code you show.
    – sth
    Oct 7, 2014 at 14:37
  • a) which 3 lines? b) where is wPST declared, it's not in your snippet
    – Tom Tanner
    Oct 7, 2014 at 14:38
  • 2
    You're scanning with %u (and so, likely, collecting 32 bits of data - if not 64 bits) into a WORD (16-bit) variable. Those extra 16 bits are going into a part of the stack where they don't belong.
    – Paul Roub
    Oct 7, 2014 at 14:38
  • Bit OT, but I don't think the C tag is relevant despite your usage of sscanf_s. First, it's a Windows-specific function, and second, this is C++ code. Oct 7, 2014 at 14:40
  • corrected wPST reference, sorry had shortened the actual names for public post.
    – zar
    Oct 7, 2014 at 14:40

1 Answer 1


WORD is a define for a 16 bits unsigned integer, so your program has undefined behaviour since sscanf_s expects an unsigned integer.

You need the %hu modifier in your calls to sscanf_s.


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