I do not understand why this happens: when I declare explicitly the filename of the input in my annotated java class named "process", everything works perfect:

public static void process() throws IOException {
    File file = new File("a.pdf");
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File("a.pdf" + ".exported"), menu.parseToString(file));

However, when I try to pass the file name as an argument, and configure also eclipse through run configurations to give the appropriate argument (path to the "a.pdf"):

public static void process(String[] args) throws IOException {
    File file = new File(args[0]);
    FileUtils.writeStringToFile(new File(args[0] + ".exported"), menu.parseToString(file));

when I call the service it fails with an error:

Oct 09, 2014 9:44:55 AM org.apache.cxf.jaxrs.utils.JAXRSUtils readFromMessageBody
WARNING: No message body reader has been found for request class String[], ContentType :    

I am new to jax rs. Do I miss any annotation? Thank you very much...

  • 1) That public static void process("a.pdf") is not valid Java. Please include the real code you use. 2) "pass the file name as an argument" How are you doin this using a HTTP request?
    – user1907906
    Oct 9, 2014 at 15:19
  • When the service is published I get a link. When I click on this link a.pdf is parsed. So when I explicitly define the file name and click the link on the published service it works. However, when I point out to the file location (a.pdf) and click on the published web service link I get the error mentioned. That's my real code btw. and 1) works/compiles great on my side...
    – pebox11
    Oct 9, 2014 at 15:24
  • What you write makes no sense. "When the service is published I get a link." What link? Where? I don't see any HTML that links anywhere. "when I point out to the file location". How do you do that? Summary: Please show us how you call this JAX-RS resource.
    – user1907906
    Oct 9, 2014 at 15:41
  • "link" = identifies the URI path template to which the resource responds. This part of code I posted is a resource which I have annotated accordingly and published it as a jax rs (see for example docs.oracle.com/cd/E19798-01/821-1841/ginpw/index.html to understand what do I mean by link). I am sorry if this upset you my friend. Probably yes I shouldn't have used "link" but "resource URI" instead.
    – pebox11
    Oct 9, 2014 at 16:01
  • I know the @Path annotation. Please tell us the details of the HTTP request you make. The infromation you provided so far is not enought to understand your problem.
    – user1907906
    Oct 9, 2014 at 16:03

1 Answer 1


Invalid Java syntax


public static void process("a.pdf") throws IOException {
  // ...        

is not valid Java syntax. Every IDE and javacwill complain about it. Eclipse says:

Syntax error on token ""a.pdf"", delete this token

application/octet-stream as body

It looks like you try to make a GET request with Content-Type: application/octet-stream (the file you somehow 'clicked'). This has two problems:

  1. A GET request normally as no body, it just has headers.
  2. A body of bytes encoded as application/octet-stream can not be mapped to a String[] because JAX-RS has no way to know how to intepret the bytes.

What you probably want

It looks like you want to make a GET request with a file name as a request parameter (that is not the sames as a file in the body of the request). You could do this:

GET http://example.com/service?filename=foo.pdf

Then a JAX-RS like the following could be used to service this request:

public Response service(@QueryParam("filename") String filename) {
  // use filename to open a File and do something with it

Note the use of @QueryParam which allows service to extract filename=foo.pdf from the request URL.

  • Yes you are correct about that ("a.pdf" is not needed inside process() - I deleted it from my post), however the rest stays the same and still the problem remains, why when I explicitly (hard code lets say) declare the filename jax rs is not complaining and when I try to do it by passing filename as an argument it fails? I will evaluate your proposed solution and I will get back to you. Thank you for your patience.
    – pebox11
    Oct 9, 2014 at 16:25
  • You are not passing the filename as a String argument. Not as a path argument, not as a query parameter, and not as the request body, too. You are passing some bytes as application/octet-stream. Where do the come from? Are they the file name or the file content? Unless you provide more details about how exactly you make the HTTP GET request, I can only guess.
    – user1907906
    Oct 9, 2014 at 16:34
  • Thank you for your patience. The file is on a folder on the server that hosts the jax-rs service. So when I publish the service explicitly referring to the filename, the file gets discovered when I hit the URI of the published service, however when I give as an argument the path to the filename the file resides, for some reason I get this error I mentioned. I want to know the reason that causes the error.
    – pebox11
    Oct 9, 2014 at 17:18

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