I am trying to get all small medium large and full thumbnail sizes in the SHOP page of woocommerce. I am using the following code in woocommerce.php (duplicate of page.php) to display all products

<?php woocommerce_content(); ?>

Next I have put the following code in functions.php but all in vain

 * Hook in on activation

 * Define image sizes
function yourtheme_woocommerce_image_dimensions() {
    global $pagenow;

    if ( ! isset( $_GET['activated'] ) || $pagenow != 'themes.php' ) {

    $thumbnail = array(
        'thumbnail' , 'medium' , 'large' , 'full'
    $index = array_rand($sizes);
    // Image sizes
        // Single product image
    update_option( 'shop_thumbnail_image_size', $sizes[$index] );   // Image gallery thumbs

add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'yourtheme_woocommerce_image_dimensions', 1 );


I am new to woocommerce and I wish to achieve a masonry layout with these different thumbnail sizes. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank You in advance.

1 Answer 1


Try following code:

 * Hook in on activation

 * Define image sizes
function yourtheme_woocommerce_image_dimensions() {
    global $pagenow;

    if ( ! isset( $_GET['activated'] ) || $pagenow != 'themes.php' ) {

    $thumbnail = array(
        'thumbnail' , 'medium' , 'large' , 'full'
    $index = array_rand($thumbnail);
    // Image sizes
        // Single product image
    update_option( 'shop_thumbnail_image_size', $thumbnail[$index] );   // Image gallery thumbs
add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'yourtheme_woocommerce_image_dimensions', 1 );

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